Unreleased, Unfinished, Unplayable

Unreleased, Unfinished, Unplayable dt-published

This is a collection of old songs, demos and sketches. Most were done on the iPad between 2018 and 2020, around the time when I was getting started as a solo musician. Some are very rough, others are more or less completed tracks.

I had published one or two of these tracks on Bandcamp before and subsequently removed them after I started to get more serious about promoting my music because I didn’t feel they matched the sound I was trying to achieve at the time.

This album is a bit of course correction on that stance. Every track here is a Life Patterns track, regardless of genre or style. It all reflects my (ugh) journey as a musician and it’s all informed by my interests, tastes and sensibilities.

There is truth in the album title. Half of these songs are brand new (that is, shared with the outside world for the very first time), more than half of them are unfinished. As for the unplayable part… I’ll leave that up to you. credits


  • Written, mixed and mastered by Life Patterns